Friday, July 11, 2008

Scared away?

I think Shawn has been scared away by the animal and fish discussion. Maybe he hasn't thought about the thousand of fishes and other unknown creatures lurking in the green abyss below you in Kinzua. The divers at the base of the dam did see a muskie almost as long as them. They said one dude would not go back down. That was years ago, it must be bigger by now.

1 comment:

SJV said...

I'm still here. I haven't been checking as regularly as I was before. I did a little fin swimming this week, twice. Got sunburned both times despite waterproof sunblock with a 45 SPF. I better try to keep up that practice before the Tango. I think I am going to focus on the swim and just try to do a little leg maintenance for the bike. I should make up more time in the swim by preparing myself than I will in the bike by preparing for that, as long as the bike itself holds out. I too would like to put the aero bars on the mountain bike, but my base bar may not cooperate. I guess I'll try that soon. Also not sure how the front suspension will act with those. That would be good to test before the race.

I'm not worried about the fish. They won't be able to catch me.

Plus I'm going to wear three wetsuits on top of each other so I will float like a styrofoam cooler, creating an inch-thick tooth barrier that only salt-water fish and sharks will be able to bite through. As long as we don't encounter any of those, I think we'll be good.