Friday, July 25, 2008

OK. That's it. I'm going to post it

I had started a post that was basically me complaining how I was having a tough time getting the workouts I had scheduled in this week. Then I decided you guys have way more distractions than I do so I shouldn't bother.... Well, I've had it, so here it is.

Monday: Stuck in Traffic for 3 hours making our trip home from NH 9 hours.

Tuesday: They canceled my train going into the city in the Morning. So I got to the city about a half hour later than I was hoping. Another welcome back to the real world. I did get a swim workout in after work tho, that was good.

Wednesday: No trains leaving Penn Station after work. No power on overhead lines. So I take a subway down to WTC and take the Path to Newark. 2 hours to get to Newark from the time I left work. Fortunately, I caught my train in Newark right away. 3 hours to get home but I was going to make Masters Swim after all! Um... No. It's canceled because of lighting. Grrr

Thursday: 5:30 Am swim for about 90 minutes. Good workout. Wahoo!
After work. I go out to run 5 miles. Was at an 8:15 pace or better after the first half mile. Everything is feeling good. Then I get a stitch in my side. Ah well, turns out this was my best workout day of the week.

Friday: Get home, run some errands, head to the pool. Someone Pooped in the Pool! No swim. It's too late for me to go bike. I'm not feeling like I should run. UGH!

Bad week of workouts. Really makes me appreciate the great week in NH last week.


m said...

AHHH! I can't believe someone pooped in the pool! Kind makes me a little wary of swimming there tomorrow because I don't have a whole lot of faith in their abilty to properly clean that place. Oh well. You swimming at 2:00 with us?

catmarlson said...

I'll meet you at the pool.
I'll bring antibiotics!

esther said...

gross! someone pooped in the pool.. was it you, matt?

Casey said...

Sounds like a heck of a week. Bummer about the doody in the pool. Was Carl Spackler on hand for clean-up duty?