Sunday, May 18, 2008

Short Run test

Ran about 1.5 miles. I can still feel my left hip flexor. It doesn't feel like something that will improve if I keep running but maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe I'm being a whimp, or maybe that's just our upbringing. Craig can make corrections on this.

8th or 9th Grade, Gym Class, Wrestling Room

Craig: Coach, I think I broke my ankle...
Coach S: WALK IT OFF!!
Craig: I don't think I can walk coach.
Coach S: Go sit on the side!
Craig goes to the side then hobbles himself to the nurses office on his own.

The other one I remember is JT breaking his collarbone playing football. JT walks up to Coach trying to hold his shoulder in place.

JT: Coach, I broke my collar bone!
Coach: Rub some dirt in it and take a lap!
JT: Coach, I know it's broken, I've done this before.
Coach: Go and sit on the side!
JT: Walks himself off the field, back to the school and to the nurses office.
(It still makes me shudder thinking about what might have happened if he had passed out and landed on that shoulder on the walk back to the school)

In this second case, I can understand why Coach didn't believe JT. Seeing how he would often limp up to the coach saying "Coach I broke my ass, there's a crack in it." The response from Coach being a kick in the ass in question, then "Sit down before I break your goddamn arm!"
(you guys hear coach's voice in your head as you read his lines don't you?)

Anyhow, my point being that I'm questioning my toughness regarding this injury.
Current plan is to ride my bike on the trainer later today (raining). After which I'll spend a bunch of time stretching out. I'll give the run a couple more days before trying again.
Oh, the IT Band didn't seem to factor in at all today. Maybe because it wasn't much of a run.


CSquared said...

That was about right. I did tell him I heard a cracking sound, he told me I didn't know what I was talking about.

It was 9th grade. 12 weeks in a cast and 8 weeks of PT my ankle only bothers me on cold rainy days.

You understand I come from a family of Black Knights. Everything is merely a flesh wound and we have always had worse.

Casey said...

Matt, I know your intent was to highlight your wimpiness here. However, since I don't think you are wimpy, I thought I would comment on your Coach Scordo reference.

One of my favorites was when he would tell the class to line up in alphabetical order. When it didn't happen fast enough, he would grab kids by the back of the neck, ask them their name, then drag/throw them to the appropriate location.

Of course, the day Brian Gick locked himself in the locker room for 45 minutes was right up there as one of the all-time greats. Come to think of it, Brian did more than his fair share of antagonizing the coach. I have to say I admired his guts. Since I was only about 4'6" and 70 lbs soaking wet, I just prayed to get through each class without having delicate body broken in half. Does anyone remember when he "helped" Kevin Bidwell and Scott Knopick do sit-ups? When he was done showing them the "proper" technique, he handed them both back about a pound of their own hair.

Can you imagine if we had cell phone cameras back in those days? We all would have been invited on The Factor to discuss the YouTube video of our raving lunatic gym teacher with Bill O'Reilly.

Yep, those were the days. Thanks for bringing it all back for me Matt. I believe I will take the rest of the day off and make an appointment to go see my therapist.

catmarlson said...

Or the day some of the guys were hiding behind the mats and equipment in the wrestling room. Coach goes over grabs them and starts throwing them over the mats. There is a very cartoon like quality to that memory. Probably because of the cartoon like quality of coach.

I believe Bryan knew coach liked his mom. Therefore he figured he could get away with anything.

So are you guys now wondering what your kids or their friends are going to be doing to torment their teachers?

CSquared said...

No specific time, but remember he use to throw basketballs at anyone who didn't do pushups.

Just another note about me, the nurse was pretty ticked he let me come to her without any help. My mom had a conference with coach and the principal. When my mom told the principal I was wrestling for a grade (I was wrestling Kevin Tome), the principal said "That would never happen, they would only be graded on skills, not that they pinned someone". To Coach's credit he spoke up and said yes they were wrestling for a grade. Despite the conference, I still got the "C" because Kevin pinned me.


catmarlson said...

Shawn hasn't chimed in on this. Is it possible that Coach just hated our class?

To think that when we graduated to the High School we moved onto "killer in the dark" and an occasional boxing match between kids that were caught fighting.

Triva: Who's parents complained and shut down "killer in the dark"?

Casey said...

Answer: Kiran Sanghi's parents put an end to Coach Shea's "killer in the dark".

I am still fixated on Coach Scordo memories. Does anyone remember when he "helped" Shawn Walker do push-ups on the first day of track practice? Coach went down to the basement to get the track sweats (pretty gross), and we all started doing to Dragon Clap on the floor of the gym. He came back up screaming and yelling and demanded that we all do push-ups to the same cadance. Of course, nobody could. However, Shawn Walker was laughing about it, and unfortunately was to closest to Coach. So he grabbed Shawn by the neck and the back of his pants and started doing the Dragon Clap on the floor with his body. Was anyone else there? Am I remembering that one correctly?

CSquared said...

I didn't remember it was Walker, I didn't remember who it was, but I remember that happening. I think there may have been another incident, seems like it was common thing for Coach to do.

Casey said...

Good times.