Monday, April 21, 2008

Back Tweak update

I skipped masters swimming this AM because I didn't want to get caught up in doing something that might cause a problem. The back is feeling better but I know it's still locked up. It's just the inflammation has been reduced.

My main Chiropractor had office hours tonight. So I went in. He verified the hip tilt, which was making my left leg short by about an inch. Obviously this causes you to adjust how you walk/run in a big way. As predicted, he freed me up on his first try. I think I actually laughed when it popped and said "That's what I'm talkin about".
I'm still disappointed that this didn't happen on Friday but there's nothing I can do about that. Hopefully I'm back on track and moving on.

Now it's after 8PM and I'm torn between hopping on the bike trainer or giving it one more day off. I think I'll just lift some weights do some pushups and abs and hope I feel great tomorrow.


SJV said...

Awesome. Sounds like a good plan. Keep everything lined up until the race. But don't slack off. There's always something you can do. If nothing else, lose some more weight.

CSquared said...

Glad you got untilted and unlocked. I need to get there too. I can feel it in the hips when biking after all the running early in the spring. Some of it is muscle, but I am sure my hips are twisted/tilted. My right shoulder, which was the original reason I went to a chiro, gets me on long runs. I am sure something needs tweaked there.

catmarlson said...

Tuesday AM: I've got full range of motion back in my left leg. Nerve pinch is definitely gone or on the way out.
Of course I had already adapted my walk to deal with the problem. Crazy how that happens so quickly. I'll make a point of taking a long walk at lunch to speed up the learning curve back towards the "right" way.

I'm a big fan of chiropractic care. Maybe because the adjustments often have such obvious results for me.

To be fair to the first chiropractor I went to, the adjustments to my neck and upper back held up well and there were no major adjustments there yesterday.

m said...

Glad to hear you're back is a little better. See you tomorrow night at swimming.

CSquared said...

I just realized this was kind of bad timing. It appears it forced you to start to taper early for the Bassman, or do you just train through the Bassman with laser like focus on the Mooseman? Do the ladies get offended all these events are named -man? (just a random thought).

catmarlson said...

This was not at all how I would have wanted to go into the next two weekends. Yet if it was going to happen, better now than before the Mooseman. So many people going up there, I would be horribly disappointed if I can't give my all.

I didn't run again Tuesday night. As I'd mentioned there were some muscles that were still adapting to "normal". Oddly enough my right calf and my left hamstring. The right hamstring makes sense to me, the right calf has to be just everything going back into place.
Anyhow, I decided I'll run a few miles at lunch on Wednesday. Then if I hold up well, swim class in the evening.
I was in the pool last night for about 45 min, easy swim, trying to get everything stretched out.

Anyhow, if I'm back to normal in the next couple days, I'll feel pretty good about these next two races. I felt really good about that run I did last week (5 miles 39 min) and the long bike rides. Those two things have been confidence builders.

Which reminds me of why I signed up for these two events in the first place.
1) Race with the NJ group, which will be fun.
2) Race open water with a wetsuit
3) Maybe learn something about bike pacing
4) The half marathon was all about helping me build my endurance.

1-3 are going to happen for me.
4 I still have time for this back issue to become a non-factor.

Getting carried away looking for positives :-) What was your question? Oh yeah. Train through these races or taper.

Any running between now and the Brooklyn half will likely be in the 5 mile range. Biking time will be shorter as well. The back will determine everything.