Thursday, May 21, 2009

Volume 6: Swimmin'

Thursday Day 6: Another 6AM swim. I was on the lookout for Maija. I had the camera on the deck ready to take her picture in font of the clock to show her arrival time. No pictures were taken. She was a no show. The result of that is I didn’t swim much distance. I worked on drills and balance, which for me is probably more important.
I have a bad arm recovery on my left side and a funky kick as well. I’m fairly certain the two are related. Here’s what I think is happening. I’m not driving my right hip down to rotate to that side. Instead I’m trying to rotate using my kick. Thus the funky kick. Once I kick oddly, my balance is off, so my arm recovery swings wide to get the momentum moving the other direction again.
Now to fix it, I start out thinking drive with the hip and keep the feet tight. Which after about 10 strokes turned into only being able to focus on the feet, so much for the rotation, not to mention the arms. Whatever, nobody said you had to fix all 3 at once. I think the feet/kick is the root of the problem so I’m starting there.
It didn’t take long for my brain to feel like it was cooked from trying to concentrate. My speed and all that was just feeling miserable as well. So I decided to shift to the arm recovery and balance. I attempted a couple laps of shark fin drills. The result was an ability to carry more of my momentum moving forward with my arms. I was still trying to do too much at once though and I was tired. So I broke out the pull buoy and simplified things by just working on my arms and rotation.
Sorry, I haven't been boring with an explanation like that in awhile...

On my way home from work, I call Genine. She tells me Maija called and invited her to run and swim with her. Genine took the camera to the pool. I forgot to tell her to have Maija pose in front of the clock. An all time late record of 14+ hours.

Genine's feet at the pool. Look at the floor. Now you know why she's wearing the flip flops.

I got to fill out a survey for the YMCA today. I wish I could have included this photo.

Here are the pictures of the core workout in the evening.

Not to be left behind with the Nacho thread going on here... Visit this site. This is why you're fat


CSquared said...

The "Totchos" looks like a yummy way to get fat.

Don't worry about the first part of your post being boring. It really is Blah, blah, blah ..Hey, look pictures of Matt & hehehe looks like he is suffering.

Thanks for the update, keep it coming and keep up the good work(outs)

m said...

You should include the "This is Why Your fat" link there for Tim Dry in the survey. That would have been a good picture having me pose next to the clock! Ha ha! Good to see your breakin a serious sweat on the core workout!