Thursday, July 23, 2009


FedEx website telling me they have my Box with my new mountain bike shoes and pedals only 40km away. Why does it take them 5 hours to delivery something I could bike down and get in two (less than two at race speed)? Exciting, can you feel the tingle!


catmarlson said...

Make sure you get some miles in those before the Tango next week.
I bought new bike shorts before our NH trip. I wore them on the 56 mile bike ride. In the middle of that ride, I started to wonder if I was going to regret wearing new shorts on such a long ride.

SJV said...

I was thinking about getting some of those too, but so far I have opted against it. I wiped out last year at the transition because of my dang plastic-soled clip-ins. I like the idea of having soles hitting the ground.

Let us know how you like 'em.

catmarlson said...

the other reason it probably takes 5 hours instead of 2 is that they saw 40 and instantly figured miles and drove past you and later realized it was kilometers and had to drive back.

GC said...

Hopefully the "tingle" you are feeling is not numb feet in your new shoes. Make sure to get them a test run before the race. My mountain bike shoes gave me a lot of pain and numb toes. That being said...I always love getting new bike stuff!!

CSquared said...

Tried them on last night. Fit good. A little easier to walk in than road shoes, haven't rode anywhere. I won't take them for a ride until Saturday, then a long ride on Sunday.

Had to watch baby last night while momma went grocery shopping. Got fun things done like setting up lap top in family room, hooking up water filter in kitchen, folding laundry, and replacing a cable on the stereo that was giving me trouble on the old cassette deck.
Oh, yea gave the baby a bath, a little exciting because normally Tamara sets everything out for me before she leaves. Well she was in a hurry and forgot. Hmmm,where do we store baby towels and wash clothes. Why did I never realize they are not stored with the other towels. Hmmm, we are low on baby shampoo, where is the new bottle and why is it not stored with the adult shampoo. Hmmm, pajamas, where are they, and do I choose the warm ones or the not so warm ones. Yea, she had a set of Pajamas set out. Hmmm, should I put ointment on Dinah, Hmmm, Where is the baby hair brush?
Amazing how much she does. She was a little impressed I got it done without everything being set out. Ahh, the little victories of Dad's that we hold up as monumental achievements (you would of thought I split the atom, in my mind).

Just so you know, in the Cerra hay day of three kids under the age of five, Dad knew where everything was, but it has moved around in seven years.