Monday, August 31, 2009

Not every workout is going to be good.

Went to the pool tonight. I thought I was going to get in and just swim for 50 min straight with hand paddles. Didn't happen. Couldn't make myself suck it up and get it done. Ah well.

When I got home. I knocked out my 5 sets of the 6 weeks to 100 pushups plan. Yesterday I started the 20 pullups plan from week one again. Too much time off with Timberman in there.
Then I see the 200 squats plan on there. I'll let you know if I get that on the schedule.
Feel free to join in ;-)


Mjay said...

P90X is shipping to our house. I am on the 3 month schedule but hopefully able to do 1-5 pull ups by the end (yeah it's that bad!)

catmarlson said...

Dang!! Someone is getting serious!

Anonymous said...

so ,... where are you at with each of these Matt? I read the post today so I decided to start the pull-up one( really on the website they are showing chin-ups, so that's what I did).

I started with a surprising 6. Let's see if I can stick to this to make more than 10. That would be nice and 20 would be even better.

catmarlson said...

I'm doing the overhand grip. I was on week 2 workout 1 before I left for Timberman. I missed more than a week of pullups so I started over on Sunday.

My initial test a few weeks ago was 6. So I'm doing column 2 and I'm finding I can never quite get the last one of the 5th set. Which I suppose makes sense because I tested on the low end of the range.
I'll just pull and hold the last as long as I can.

Last night I did day 2 of the Pullups.
Pushups I tested high enough they suggested to start with week 3 column 2. Tonight is week 3 day 2 of the pushups.

I can feel that work is being done. My shoulders are sore.
That's what I'm looking for. Easy workouts I can do at home in about 15 minutes that make a difference.

I don't expect this to work in 6 weeks. I do expect to be able to knock out 20+ before next May.