Friday, August 14, 2009

foot problems?

So, a year later I'm still in training for a 5k . I can hear you triathletes and Iron people scoffing but that's OK. I'm right at the point where I stopped training last year due to the freakishly quick passage of time. As the race caught up with me, I ended up walking 65% of the distance. I still have 30+ days to the race, with 14 workouts left on the Couch to 5k plan (interval training works!) so I should be able to get there. I have my fingers and toes crossed plus the additional pressure of the donations gets me to the track.

ANYWAY, my right foot falls asleep at around 30 minutes of the workout, every single time. I've tried new shoes (love my new BROOKS GLYCERIN- they feel like a cloud) new socks, new ways of tying up the laces to no avail. I tied them so loose today that my right shoe almost came off.

Luckily I had the track all to myself (it was drizzling. There were a few seagulls) so if I did fall I would not cause injury to anyone other than myself nor would I provide some slight entertainment that is badly needed at the track, at any time, all year around, if you ask me.

So I think I'll have to see somebody to check this mystery. However, in my search for answers I found this post. Lots of good stuff and advice from a podiatrist that some of you might find if your feet are barking you may want to check it out.

I gotta say I'm enjoying very much reading about all your races. You guys amaze me! Keep it up!


GC said...

You will find no scoffing on this blog...only words of encouragement. Well, maybe a little trash talk now & then, but it's all in good fun! :-)

Hopefully, you can get your foot issue resolved. I had a similar issues last year when biking. Luckily, I was able to get fitted with a new shoe and the issue disappeared.

Maybe you should set you 5k goal time to be under 30min to avoid the foot numbness! :-)

Keep at it, Ruth! You are amazing!!

silent_scream said...

LOL thanks for all your support Genine, I gotta say it really has been great watching YOUR amazing journey into the triworld. Debbie and I were commenting today that we want a body like yours! Don't mean to embarrass you but you look so good! so fit!

I thought about the 30 minute limit. It is a great goal and it would solve that problem, right? I will certainly try. Oh and I rode a bike outside today, I was glad to see I remember how...the saying is true riding a bicycle after 20 years is like riding a bicycle... ha ha ha.