Monday, March 3, 2008

Anyone up for a half-iron in July?

Here is one that several of the PSU tri club people are doing this summer:


Beautiful scenery, good management, not too far away...from some of us.


Jim said...

I'd consider it. I've currently got Munice, IN (1/2 Iron)on the radar for the same weekend, but would consider jumping ship since the water at Geneva is supposed to be in the 70's. I'll keep you posted.

catmarlson said...

That may be leading into our NH vacation. Not sure what that means just yet.
This would be 3 weeks before Tango. I'm surprised we haven't had more discussion about Tango yet. Shouldn't we be trying to reel Todd and Jerry back into this again?

Back to Musselman... There are many options that could work if the schedule allows. I'd be willing to do Aqua bike if I felt that I would like to go but not do the Half. I wouldn't be opposed to being part of a relay either. I might be able to get a team together.

I'm a card carrying member of USATriathlon. I've gotta get my monies worth!! (I forgot to mention I got my card in the mail the other day).

I also forgot to mention that I sent my member number to Mooseman and they sent me a refund check for the $10 Daily fee.

CSquared said...

I will tell you up front I'm not considering this. I have come to the resolution that this year I am only going up to a Olympic Tri. Also, that may be a pretty good haul for me. The real reason is the week before we will be in Warren, then the TANGO we will be in Warren, plus somebody is getting married in Warren and I have to figure that out because it is the same weekend as a Company picnic that I organize, plus I took this position on the board of the Summer Camp the kids go to (I have a meeting near this time at the camp), plus I have to take them to Summer Camp, plus one or most of them are spending a week in July with Grandma & Grandpa in Warren which is a trip to Grove City every week to exchange a kid. I don't know if I can keep training with my current schedule. I may have to take the equipment with me and have Tamara run pace car on the way back and forth from these destinations.

So, the answer is no.

catmarlson said...

Craig you are full of excuses.
You don't need Tamara to run pace car! You just have to leave an hour or two before she does. Either Bike or run for that time and she will pick you up along the way when she finally decides to head out.
Towel off, spray on a can of deodorant and you are all set.

You might find you are training more using this method instead of less. Depends on how supportive Tamara is, meaning how long she decides to wait before chasing you down.

After all that... You sure you wouldn't want to do the bike leg?

SJV said...

Craig, aren't you going green anyway? Just get rid of your cars altogether and bike everywhere you go. There are four-seat pedal cars available now.

Okay, I'm kidding. I know what you're saying about the schedule. I am having a hard time imagining being ready for a half, or heck, even an Olympic right now. I am going to be lucky if I don't have to walk a significant portion of the Mooseman as things are going at this point. I can hardly find an hour to do anything. I thought this Musselman would be a good motivator for me to get more ready for the Tango as a full-event participant. If I can run a half-iron, I would be totally confident that I could do the Tango.

If we want to do this as a relay, I would consider the bike the most. If I keep doing these Spinervals, I should be smokin' by July. I am convinced I will never be a fast runner no matter what I do. Could we do a Matt swim, Shawn bike and Jim run team? This spares Jim from the dreaded swim and me from the dreaded run. Just a thought. I don't want to stop Jim from going for the whole thing if he's in the mood. I'm sure I could bring up a tri-club runner in a pinch too, or Matt could surely find someone.

I'm not saying I'm doing this thing yet. I still have to look at my schedule a little closer to see if I can make it. But the Half relay idea sometime between the Moose and the Tango might be an idea to pursue.

Jim said...

I'm not CERTAIN I'll be doing a 1/2 iron either. I'd like to, but who knows for sure. I'm of the same mindset as Shawn, if I can do a 1/2 iron I should be able to do the Tango solo. It's all about the swim (or floating) for me. If I don't plan on doing the complete 1/2 (sounds like a paradox) I would love to be part of a team. Time will tell.

catmarlson said...

I think if I sign up for enough races, training will become really very easy.
This is because I will always be in taper mode and not working out very much. I should have thought of this months ago!

CSquared said...

Tamara Chasing me down or RUNNING me down.

In the state of constant Taper? That is an idea. All I do is race no training.