Friday, June 8, 2007

Swim Fins / Kick Timing

So I've used my zoomers fins a few times now. I found an interesting article online which might explain why my first day with fins was such a mess.
Kick Timing 1
Kick Timing 2
Basically I think without fins I could get away with a very sloppy kick. Once I added the fins it created so much extra force that when I tried to swim, I felt like a car with one of the cylinders not firing. It was really really awkward feeling.
I really think it was the timing of my kicks. The next time I worked out with the fins it was much better. I think you just naturally work yourself into proper timing with the fins on.
I'm just guessing this is the case. I haven't actually stopped to think about my kicking to the degree that they are talking about. As I've mentioned, I already have so much going through my head while I swim, I can't even count laps.

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