Monday, June 18, 2007

Excitement in the Pool

I went to the pool again today with Fiona, because she wants to swim every day. I was swimming wonderful laps with the fins for a while before she asked me to play with her. We were playing tag, and she was chasing me around, when I unwittingly stuck my toe in a seam in the concrete and pushed off forcefully in an attempt to get away from her. Part of my toe did not come with me.

That's right. I broke my toe.

I took my profusely bleeding foot to the lifeguards, who were proclaiming this was the most action they have seen in at least a year, and put on a temporary bandage, then headed home to a wonderful meal made by my wife. I decided this might be the last meal this toe ever got, so I thought I better eat before going to the hospital. The end result was that I had to get a tetanus shot in my shoulder, and 4 or 5 stitches to put my toe back together. Three of these stitches go right through the toenail, which reminds me of some kind of torture. I broke the end of that toe bone off, but it's still in there. It looks like it will be okay, if all goes well.

I am not supposed to swim for at least a week, and running is out for two weeks, probably. Looks like I will have to go back to juggling dumbbells, and possibly biking more. The dumbbell juggling might be good for swimming and paddling anyway, so that may not be so bad. I am going to try to do aerobics in the target HR zone using this technique.

Happy Father's Day.


CSquared said...


Doctor Smoctor, your swimming in a chlorinated pool. It will fight infection.

Sorry to hear about your toe. It really is part of the tri thing anyways. Well, I'm not sure about broken toes, but one pro that was interviewed in the local paper said he lost 6 toe nails in a race once. Not uncommon he said for him to lose at least one, of course he was doing half ironmans or full ones.

catmarlson said...

Ugh! That's frustrating. I'd probably have passed out a few times. LOL.
Does this change your plan to be in Warren next weekend?
My dad says the river is really quite low right now. That will make for a few tough spots for the canoe. Are we going to try and map the course?