Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hill Climbing

I rode the bike last night. I got to the top of Breezy Heights (previously mentioned hill). First Half mile not to bad. My heart rate was getting up, probably about 150. Last quarter mile, hill steepens. I would say I had to be 170+. I know this because when I really accelerate the heart, it isn't the pain in my legs that holds me back, but my inability to get oxygen. I also noticed the last 200 yds my back started to hurt. I think this is a misalignment from the zero MPH crash I had last Wednesday. Falling hard on my left elbow has caused my right shoulder to be tight. Hence I believe pulling on the bars on this climb started to fatigue my back. I already got the chiropractor set up for tomorrow because of last Wednesday.

I went almost 17 miles last night I did the first 15 without stopping (slow on this hill but no stop). Kid's were at a vacation bible school at the 15 mile mark or the 2 mile mark going backwards. I have posted a map with the elevation changes below so you can see what this looks like.

I am not doing this to show you my hill climbing prowess, but to let you know about the first hill in the TANGO bike up to Jakes rocks. My climb last night was 400 ft vertical in 3/4 mile. Jakes Rock climb is 600 ft vertical in 1.25 miles. Pretty similar grade, I believe Jakes Rock will have a couple points that you might shift up a gear for 100 yds, but makes you pay with the overall length and a couple real steep points.

I looked at the 5th street hill. Not as long or steep overall, but right before you turn to the High School and half way up the high school drive some nasty little walls. The hill to my parents up Jackson Street is the least daunting of all. It just has that little wall right before their driveway. I have walked this many times.

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