Thursday, January 22, 2009

Running again... finally

I knew it had been awhile since I've run but I finally decided to look at the planner and I saw that it was a full 2 weeks off of running. Yikes! Not surprising given the bad weather and having been sick. I figured I'd better get some easy miles in before the longer weekend run. I was glad to go out tonight and run 5K in some "warm" 31 degree weather.
After the run, we were planning on going swimming. Well this is where the Y is starting to bring me down. I just assume that there will be no hot water in the showers at this point. It's been at least 2 months since they've posted their "for the next few days" sign. So after we get done running, believe it or not, I ask Genine if we can do Abs rather than go swimming. Seriously, I can't believe it myself but it's true.
The Y had better get their crap together soon. Genine and I have been talking about looking into other pool/gym options lately. I'd talk to someone at the Y about it but unless I put a petition together and get a bunch of people behind me, I don't think it would matter a bit.
I'm hopeful I can find a better situation. I'm sure some of the gang would follow if the deal was right.

1 comment:

m said...

I am really sick of this stuff at the Y too. I just don't get why nothing gets fixed. Is it Tim Dry not doing his job or what? Whose responsibility is it to get on this stuff? I just don't understand what happens to the money that goes into that place with the 400+ swim team members and all the membership dues.