Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Morning Swim

Genine, Maija, Esther and I.

Couple drills today really pointed out some problems.
Kick on side drills when my right side is up, it’s not very good. I’ve practiced this a couple times since Monday. It’s amazing how difficult that side is for me.

We also did 25m right arm swim, 25m left arm swim. Guess what? The left arm is still a mess compared to the right. My balance/rotation problem above probably has something to do with it??

We join up with Maija and Esther for the 1/1, 2/2 ….4/4, 5, 4/4, 3/3, …
Where you are swimming easy/hard for the number of lengths. This is a non stop swim, so I’m going to have to count for myself as Esther and Maija are going to be well ahead of me quickly. I did fine up to 3, ha ha. Somewhere during the 4’s I got lost in really focusing on my left arm and holding good technique. Then Genine disappears out of my lane and I’m without a clue as to where I am in the set. Instead of just picking a place and going with it, I continue to swim just working technique as best as I can. Kind of lame in hindsight, oh well.
There was some good news from the workout, the other night I had practiced with the Pull Buoy swimming 3x 25 breathing 5/7/9. Well today for the cool down, I swam (no PB) breathing every 5 fairly easily (my pace was slow I’m sure). Then I even did every 7 and that didn’t kill me. I guess the practice is paying off.

The other good news is I saw Chaz on the train this morning and there was no mention of Britney or Pussycat Dolls.


m said...

I don't understand why that was so hard for you guys to count...

GC said...

I have trouble counting for 100's if I don't hyper focus! It is so easy for my mind to start wandering off to random what I get to eat after the workout! :-)

catmarlson said...

The problem is too many voices in my head. None of them want to take the responsibility to count. Instead they are all talking about my form falling apart and what to do about it.
Not sure I can fault them for that :-)