Sunday, January 25, 2009

If my ability to generate power is directly proportional to my ability to relax, as that quote to the right suggests, I should be a human nuclear power plant. I can relax like a three-toed sloth on Valium. What gives?


CSquared said...

Based on what you use to put in your body (prior to the current Detox), I would say you fed the nuclear plant quite well.

SJV said...

Hey, every power plant requires fuel. At least mine doesn't result in any radioactive isotopes. And the idea of a cooling tower doesn't interest me right now. I'd rather have a warming tower. It's so freakin' cold! Can we arrange something?

catmarlson said...

Of course you are are joking but I'll translate anyhow.

The quote I believe was from someone on a rowing crew but was in a book which was using it as a metaphor to explain the importance of being relaxed mentally.

The physical being relaxed he was explaining how trying too hard actually sacrificed technique and therefore speed. This is easily translated to a Golf Swing or Swimming or even more simply swinging on a swing.

The point about being mentally relaxed was:
You are much more likely to be able to put yourself and keep yourself in "the zone" if you don't have distractions/concerns which work their way into your subconscious while you are "performing".

That being said, I agree, you have enormous potential. You definitely can make things happen.

SJV said...

Okay, mentally relaxed. I think I can do that. I hardly think about form as it is. Not sure that's helping either, but hey, I have a good time.

CSquared said...

Like "Oh, my god, my brain is frozen" Whoever thought New Hampshire in June was a good idea? Not Mentally relaxing.

Funny story about cooling towers, blah, blah, blah. Ours is broken and if it wasn't freaking cold, we would be in big trouble. Also, interesting . . . -10 degrees ambient air, cooling tower water 72. Had a guy fall in one time in the winter, he said his biggest mistake was getting out. BRRRRRRR!

SJV said...

That definitely wasn't relaxing. Sloths don't like freezing water. It makes them tense up.

CSquared said...

Wait it minute Shawn, Matt said you were joking. Where's the joke?