Hold the horses on the t-shirt "E=MV". I have made a mistake. The formula for kinetic Energy is as stated above.
The concept is similar, but the effect is not as great. I know I am shattering your world here, but you need to know the truth. Craig finishes a 5K race in 25 minutes flat (v=12km/hr) . I weigh for ease sake 100kg (m). I put out 7,200 kilojoules. The 110 lb (50kg) pound girl finishing with the same time as me, thus same velocity only puts out 3600 kilojoules. Based on my previous error, we would say she has to go 24km/hr to equal my joule output. Based on formula above, she actually only has to go 16.97 km/hr, which is only 29% faster than me (which equates to 17 minute 45 second 5K time). I have not been to a race so far that a girl/women has run this time, but I have seen guys do sub 16 minute.
Let's compare Shawn and Craig. The total distance of a Mooseman is approx. 56 km. Let's say Craig somehow does a time of 3 hours. This equates to a "v" of 18.66 km/hr. My weight, at race time, 200lbs (m=90.9kg). Kinetic Energy would be 15,825 kilojoules. So, for Craig and Shawn to "tie", Shawn, 250lbs (m=113.63kg), he would have to travel avg. speed 16.76 km/hr. Thus he would have to do a 3 hour 21 minute Mooseman. Which is only 11.66 % slower than Craig.
Huh, I have no idea if I did this right or got the labels right, but it appears Shawn and I are going to have to Crank It up a notch to hang with the little weaklings.
It's -19 farenheit in my town right now (5:56p.m.) with the wind. How much energy does it take me to maintain my body temperature?
This news is terrible. I might be able to hang in there for the swim and bike, but I just don't see me making the run anywhere close to 11% slower than Craig. Maybe 50% slower. Of course if I could stay in the thick of things for the first two phases, I would have more room to dawdle in the run. Maybe that's the ticket. Obviously I need to work on my run, as Matt is sure to tell me, and he is right, so I better go hit the treadmill.
Although a shirt that says KE=1/2 MV squared might be okay. At least it'll make us look smart.
I'll keep thinking. Maybe I'll open a booth for large triathletes. I'll sell lots of items that justify why we lose.
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