Friday, January 26, 2007


I have checked my BMI before and have been called grossly obese, so I thought I'd check today at Craig's suggested website. It just said I was obese. At least I got rid of the gross part. But these calculations are not acceptable. There is no measurement of your musculature or bone density or anything. It said I would have to weigh 210 just to get into the very top of the normal range. That just ain't gonna happen. I'd have to go on an extremely low calorie diet and wither myself away to get that light. I weighed more than that when I was a freshman in college. If Craig is overweight, I got troubles. Yesterday I thought I should get a shirt that says "Heaviest Finisher" or something like that. Maybe "E=MV."
Anyway, I think I'll stay away from the BMI sites. I'm shooting for more of a Dolph Lundgren in Rocky 4 look. I think he weighed a fair parcel more than 210, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't obese in that movie.


catmarlson said...

E=P right? So you could have it say.
Who's got Power?

Kind of niche market but you could probably sell a few every competition.

CSquared said...

No, Power is either Work/Time, which I believe can translate to E/Time. Essentially Power is Energy per unit of time. We may have to open a physics book to figure this out.

Ethanol said...

I checked my BMI.... I'm "planetary". So don't feel bad. My excercize bike weeps.