Saturday, January 20, 2007

Blog is getting busy

The blog is really taking off! Which is very fun. I think this is really going to keep us in better contact with each other over the next year or so.

So I was talking with Shawn and he was complaining that he couldn't see when there was a comment to an old post easily. So I've come up with two solutions.

The first is an email based solution which I don't personally like. I get too much email as it is. Please let me know if you think you would like this method and I'll set it up.
Everytime there is something new (post or comment). The site will email you and there will be a link in the email to the new "stuff".

Here is the 2nd method I came up with:

I downloaded the Firefox browser and installed a plugin called Sage. (I googled "Sage RSS" to find it.
Sage is able to track your blog and let you know when there is new
info posted. It puts a Sage leaf in your toolbar. Click on that.
Then you create another bookmark within the Sage Toolbar: "options" Manage Feed List.

Here is the part that I liked about Sage more than using RSS toolbar menus. Comments Tracking!!

if you create a Sage Bookmark that looks like this

it will notify you of any new comment to you blog regardless of which post it was commented to.

Because both of them look exactly the same on the sidebar. I created a comments folder and a Blog folder to put them into.

So once this is setup. You can click the Scan Feeds icon and it will notify you of new info with a Red Star in the icon. From the main window if you prefer to look at the actual blog instead of the reader. Just click on the title of the post/comment.

There you have it. Simple right?! Ha! Not as bad as it looks. Let me know if you want the email notification and I'll get that setup.

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