Thursday, March 4, 2010

back in the pool

Wow! I hadn't been to the pool in over a week. Between snowstorms, races and house projects, swimming fell of the list. It sure is easy to fall out of the swimming habit, seeing how lanes aren't available until after 8:15 PM during weekdays.
We kept it simple, 2000m and out of there. My times weren't all that good. I'll admit all I kept thinking about is that I'm just a couple weeks away from the Video Taping and the lessons. I'm looking forward to the weekly feedback.

As you can see from my Feb totals, I've been adding core work. The majority of it is planks and static poses. With the running speed work, doing crunches and things like that will just overload my hipflexors and I'll be injured. I'm trying really hard to be smart about my workouts and recovery. I've also made a point of doing the low back strengtheners to try and balance things out. I'm really hopeful that my back will hold up better on the bike as a result of this.

The one thing that I'm feeling pretty stupid about is not getting to a doctor about this left foot of mine. I've been spending a ton of time doing the stretches, using the boot with an icepack when I sleep, ice it after every run... I guess it's because it's not painful, so it's easy to ignore. I should find out what's up with it. I called a doctor that was recommended to me and they didn't accept my insurance. Ugh! I've got another name, I just haven't called. Now that I've put this up here, maybe I'll finally get it done.

I'm also hoping to match my 2009 average race weight by the end of March. It's doable just have to stick with it. I'm kind of in the zone right now. It's weird how it's such a challenge to get your body accustomed to a calorie deficit. I feel like it takes a month of trial and error for me. Then it just clicks into place. Now to just leave it in place for another couple months...

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