Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Applications are in

My dad was supposed to drop them off at the Y Monday afternoon. I haven't heard from him so I'm guessing we are in.
Should we come up with a team name?
How about Echo, Charlie, Sierra, Mike.
1st initials of our first name in radio code.
Every time I hear Tango, I think Echo, Tango, Alpha.... I'm brainwashed by something.
Anyhow, if someone thinks up a good team name, let's hear it.


SJV said...

The Outweighers?

Three Chubsters and the Gimpy Arm Guy?

Big Nuts?

The Four Horsemen?

Ooh, I kinda like that...how many other teams are gonna have 4 people? And since we average over 200 pounds, we are Clydesdales, which make us Horse-men...plus it's a cool name.

'Course I like Big Nuts too.

Just tossing out ideas. I can live with anything. What happened to "Team Gayle's Memories?"

Casey said...

I probably wouldn't be in favor of the "gimpy arm" reference. "Big Nuts" works for me, as does "The Four Horsemen". A variation on the last one could be "The Clodhoppers".

SJV said...

Casey, I hope I didn't offend your sensibilities. I was trying to make us sound unassuming and uncompetitive by utilizing a self-depracating moniker.

What is the purpose of this name? Do we get shirts? Do we use it during transitions? Does anyone ever see it? Or is it just for us to help us feel like a team?

Just curious. It might affect what feeling we shoot for. Are we going for comical, serious, intimidating, or is it purely for fun?

Casey said...

Not at all....and I like the strategy.

I have no idea if we are actually expected to have a team name or not. My vote would be for comical intimidation.