Friday, February 29, 2008

I forgot some of you guys were Scientists

My last entry reminded me some of you were scientists, maybe even Chemists. So here is my dilemma. I have an idea for a children's sermon on how the blood of Christ washes your soul clean. So, what I want to do is to take a beaker full of fluid probably like clear or milky and explain how sin enters your life and it turns dark (at this point add something to turn the fluid black or darker). Then give a little talk about how the blood of Christ cleanses your soul, pour in another liquid or powder, doesn't matter, that then turns the beaker red, then the final thing is to add the last thing that turns the fluid milk white or clear (I figured clear was next to impossible so I am shooting for white). What do you think? Possible or impossible. I know going from dark to light is the hard part especially as quick as a children's sermon, but if it precipitates something at the bottom I can work in a whole filter thing to a new beaker in the context of the sermon. Let me know. I have asked some others and I get blank stairs.

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