Monday, July 26, 2010

Alternative Cross-Training

We had a great time this past weekend in Warren & Fredonia visiting with friends and family. While Matt was doing some serious Tango training, I managed to squeeze in a little unconventional cross training. Sorry ladies of KB2, but you would not have been able to resist these 2 men either. Right, Michelle? :-)

Here are some of the highlights....

Carb-Load breakfast (waffles...mmmm...)

Bicep curls with the cutest 8.5lb weight ever -Daniel Charles Ferguson

Stair repeats at farmers market (view from the top-photo by Ian)

Silly Faces at the top of the stairs

Wave jumping & running

Stone Toss (many repeats!)

Wave crashing (for 3 hours...non-stop!)

Recovery PB&J after a hard workout

Lake Erie with BIG waves crashing

I did manage to put on my cap & goggles (or as Ian called them my swimming helmet and glasses) while we were at the lake and do a bit of a open water swim sans wetsuit for myself. The water was extremely choppy as there were major storms rolling in, but I managed to get over my fear of being swept away and actually found that the swimming wasn't as bad as I expected. I avoided getting faces full of water by always breathing toward the shoreline or forward. I'm sure this was not efficient technique, but it worked. The water was cloudy due in part to the rough conditions and there was a lot of algae churning throughout....again making me treasure the clear water of Newfound Lake. Never once have I had to clean caked on algae out of places I dare not mention in public after swimming in Newfound! But I would do it again & again if I got to hear this voice at the end of my swim....

I also did a 4mile run on Sunday. It was ugly.


Mjay said...

I for one have a new found focus after my weekend Baby/Ian Fix! Thanks Daniel for cuddling up to me...THANK YOU Ian for the yummy chips. I've never had such yummies ones before!

Who knew all I needed was a little kid time. :)

CSquared said...

I love this type of training, but it only gets you so far against the adults. Very nice.

Regina said...

Aw! Aunt Genine! How cute. Man, I know about algae. blech! Looks like you had a really nice time! what a cute baby, and Ian is adorable.