Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So frustrating

Yep, going to post about my feet again. The ball of my right foot hurt enough on Monday that I put myself in the back row. I figured there was a good chance that some of the poses I'd have to completely bail on because of the pain. Fortunately I made it through the class without any trouble.

I was supposed to run Tuesday morning but that seemed like a stupid idea so I called Todd and canceled the run. It would have been nice to say, I took the "run time" to stretch, foam roller, roll out with "the stick" but that wasn't the case. Instead I went to work early after dropping the car off at the garage. Walking to work from the train station, I realized that I had another problem. That muscle in my leg that goes from ankle to knee that really gave me trouble last year, it was crazy tight. Probably from the biking, I can't let that get out of control again this year.

After work Genine and I had our swim lesson. Swimming is so odd in that you can do so many things wrong and each thing can have a huge impact on your feel and therefore your progress. It's kind of funny to think of the things you do wrong swimming (but don't know it) and apply it to running.
Arms Crossing Over: Legs crossing over while running.
Legs dropping low: Running hunched over.
Short Stroking: would probably look like an awkward jog.
Breathing issues: Holding your breath, Tilting your head back for air

I think one of the biggest points the coach made yesterday which could be easily forgotten because it's not really technical or specific, is that swimming is largely about feeling the water. Much of his instruction is feel based. When he sees something he wants to correct he will ask something like "Where do you feel that you are catching the most water". If you don't know he will have you swim, having you think about that specific thing. Then instruct you what he'd like you to try. While you try it you are to feel how it is different and then explain why that is better for your swimming.
It's interesting to see Genine go through this. I feel she's going down the exact same path that I traveled last year. So many things to think about that it's somewhat overwhelming/frustrating. Then to swim really well for 25m only to make the turn and not have it at all. Of course I still feel this way, that's why I'm back taking lessons.
Of course it's also very cool to see how fast she is when she has one of those "perfect" laps. Those perfect laps keep you going back. It shows you that it's possible with practice.
She can already beat me at sprints, how long until she beats me on the 1500? :-)

Alright because Shawn and Craig don't post much anymore, the blog gets to be pretty boring. So I'll make fun of the fact that I tend to overuse and misuse quotation marks. I only hope I'm not as bad as these examples.


Jford said...

My wife teaches college level English classes and I know she will love that website! LOL

Mjay said...

those are hysterical!

Jim said...

Very "Funny"

catmarlson said...

Here is one of my favorites.

GC said...

no worries on me catching you on the least not for a long time. Now...if only I could find a triathlon with a 25m pool swim! I know Jim would sign up with me. :-)