Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Couple snapshots from the watch

Here is the Round Valley Trail Run with Maija Saturday.
X Axis set to Distance.

Here is the bike ride before the party Sunday


CSquared said...

Not to criticize, because I love the "colour glossy pictures", but the bike one lacks the "circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back
of each one". No heart rate, and no cadence. All I can tell is you went slow up, and fast down, but How were you doing? What's up?

catmarlson said...

There is some info at the bottom of the picture. Avg/max Cadence,HR....

I did this one in a hurry last night. I'll break the workout into 2 pictures so you can see better detail and I'll add the other stuff.

The run graph shows in fine detail how often I ended up walking. :-)

My HR readings have been getting a bit funky. I need to tighten it up a bit I think and maybe change the battery.