Sunday, September 7, 2008

Buckman Graphs

Buckman Swim HR graph

Buckman Bike, red HR, Blue speed, brown elevation, pink cadence.
The Cadence meter has quite a few dropouts. (wireless)

Buckman Run. Speed and elevation. I pulled off my HR strap about a mile into the run. So I didn't bother including it in this picture


m said...

does it say what your swim distance was?

catmarlson said...

No, I don't have any way to know the swim distance. I did put in that vertical line. I believe that's when I was out of the water and heading to T1.
I don't think I'm supposed to have that high of a HR when I'm swimming either.
So I looked up my Bassman .5 mile swim time. I think I was 30 seconds faster back in April. I think I held a better line that race.