Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Swim Class 3rd Session

They've moved class to Friday night. Fortunately most everyone showed up last night and we all waited the extra 15 minutes to get our lanes (8:15 start). Then someone had a printout of a workout and we got our "class" in. You just don't get any feedback on form or technique. So I'll probably sign up for the Friday class, which means if all goes well I'll have 2 group swims each week now. Tues & Friday.
I've been reading Total Immersion for Triathletes. I haven't formed an opinion on it yet.

My friend Doug stopped by work yesterday as well. He dropped off 2 books for me. One was the book Lance Armstrong's coach wrote. The other was a running coach, Roy Benson. I took a quick look at the running book. He breaks down running paces into Zones for training. Probably lines up similarly to HR zones. It should be a quick read.

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