Sunday, April 19, 2009

Lower Cross Syndrome

As you know I typically have a ton of questions. So when I went to this new Chiropractor to have the ART done to my knee, I couldn't help but ask a few other questions.
I mentioned to him that both my swim and yoga instructor are telling me I don't use my glutes. He doesn't miss a beat and mentions Lower Cross Syndrome. Basically he puts a name to what Tiffany has been telling me at Yoga every week.

This picture pretty much says it all.

In lower-crossed syndrome the patient usually presents with anterior pelvic tilt, increased lumbar lordosis (swayback), and weak upper abdominal muscles. These patients usually experience chronic low back pain, piriformis syndrome and anterior knee pain. The predictable pattern of muscle imbalances most often include the following:


Rectus Femoris
Adductor Group
Errector Spinae

Resulting in…
Anterior rotation of pelvis
Increased lumbar lordosis
Hips in flexion
Knees may be hyperextended

Rectus Abdominis
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius

Common Injuries
Low Back Pain
Knee pain
Hamstring Strains

Shawn will be excited to know that I've found a kettlebell workout which looks like a pretty solid method to helping me balance out these weaknesses.
Basically parts I II and III of these videos.

Maybe if I'm able to work this stuff out, I can become more "bulletproof" like Shawn.

More about this later I'm sure.


m said...

So, Dr. Larkin found a nice way to say you run with your ass sticking out? He he he, just kidding. I actually have similar weak/tight muscles. Have fun with the kettle bells and you'll be out the door in no time.

CSquared said...

Hey, is that picture Casey?

CSquared said...

There are a few bad Monty Python jokes in the all the muscle groups you named.

SJV said...

It's about time you pick up the kettlebells. No one believes me until someone with knowledge and experience says so! No respect.

All you have to do is engage daily in medieval combat with some kind of heavy objects and you will find all your weaknesses and make them disappear. Chop some wood, use a slamball, toss some rocks, carry a truck axle now and will be golden.