Friday, March 9, 2007

Spring Break!

My last official school obligation before the break was last night at midnight. I turned in my assignment at 11:41 PM. Of course I have many unofficial deadlines and have to put in about 60 hours of work over the next week to try to catch up but I am hoping I get to do a little exercise. We're going to Williamsburg VA for 4 days, so maybe I can run outside like Matt. I just finished 21 days of antibiotics today, trying to kill this sinus infection. I have felt great in the head since I started, but kind of lethargic in the motivation. (Don't know if the drugs have anything to do with that or not.) I think I am going to see the movie 300 tonight to treat myself for making it to Spring break without missing any assignments. My goal is to look like the Spartans in that movie. I already like the Spartan lifestyle, why not get the Spartan physique?

I need to get back in the right mindset. Help me, people! It's been cold and dark here for the last 3 weeks. Trying to save money, I keep the heat low. That makes my body want to pack on the insulation. Girl Scout cookies suddenly look very tempting. Girls Scouts are nefariously undermining our nation's efforts to lose weight! This is madness!

No. This is Sparta!


catmarlson said...

I hope to see the movie tonight. Opening night crowd was fun for "Sin City". I expect this one will be similar.
As for looking anything like these guys. I think I would need to get on the juice.

Unknown said...

No way, man. Watch the documentary on their website. They show you a small sample of how they got the guys in shape. It appears that they mostly use their own bodies as resistance. Push-ups, pull-ups, rings, sprinting (with a spring winch attached), etc. Mostly stuff we can do at home. If only we had several hours every day to blast ourselves like those guys, and get paid for it too! I'd sign up tomorrow.