Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Shawn's Perfect Race?

Uber Man!
10 Elite Men
10 Elite Women

250 Meter Swim
4 Mile Bike Course
1 Mile Run

The first ever sprint that makes Triathlon a true spectator sport.

Now for the fun part...

All prospective entrants should be able to meet all of the following criteria;

1. On the swim leg of this race You should be able to swim under 3.0 minutes.
2. On this race you should be able to average 30 mph on the bike.
3. On this race you should be able to race at sub 5 minutes on the total run.

All prospective competitors must submit
official race results from (3) USAT sanctioned multi-sport races.


m said...

I so hope I get in!

catmarlson said...

I hope you get in too. The practice sessions to get ready for it should be a blast!