Monday, December 17, 2007

Seasonal topic

Since it seems like all topics are a go on this blog,......any of you suffer from runner's nipple? That's right. I ran 10 miles last Tuesday in 34 degree temps with a persistant drizzle/rain and wind that provided optimal conditions for the bilateral runner's nipple.

This must be one of the most painful injuries of the sport. Showering,...ugh!!!

There's a study for you? Do women get this type of pain form breast feeding? I certainly hope not. My friend asked if I'd heard of the new invention called Band-aids? But as some of you on this blog know ( i won't mention names), when you have a hairy chest, there is not a band aid
in the world that will stick.


CSquared said...

Heard a college girl in Morgantown ribbing her male friends about this. She said a jog bra kept this from happening to girls and that maybe her friends should get a version that fit them.

Jog Bro or Jog manssiere - Might be a marketable product under these conditions.

catmarlson said...

This topic is going to be in the top 10 "most discussed" for this blog I think.
The compression fabric shirts I own seem to do the best for me.
The Dry Weave shirts aren't nearly as good.
The guys from swim class say they just lube up. They already have the stuff for the wetsuit, so they just extend the range. Ha ha.
I believe Craig is right tho'. If we hit the right solution it's a business waiting to happen.

Jim said...

Even by calling it a "Jog Bro", there may still be some marketing issues.

Maybe "runner's lube"? Vaseline may stain the shirt.

Either way, I've been inside for a week working out.