Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thinking vs Music

I love music but have never listened to it when working out, I tend to think more philosophical.  So, I thought I would share some things I think about:

If god is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent, then why does he allow evil?  Does he author evil (I conclude no)?  Does he just allow it?  Where does my free will work into this?  Is good the donut and evil the hole?

Did I just step in Dog Dodo?  I can still smell it, so I am pretty sure I just did?

If the universe if infinite, how can it be expanding?  If it is expanding, what is it expanding into?  Is it expanding infinitely, into nothing and at what speed?

I wonder how many days that deer has been dead?  It didn't smell like the dog Dodo?  I think it was fresh?  Is it fresh enough to Keep :), only in West Virginia.

I hurt, I hurt, I can't breath, I am going to die.  People do die from this, God I hope it is not me, because I forgot to give Tamara a receipt for my new biking clothes and I would hate for Tamara to have to find that and be upset at what I spent, wait I am dead, why would I care?

Are things really relative?  If things are all relative then why does Einstein's theory have a constant in it?  The cosmic speed limit, "C".  Maybe, they will break this like in Star Trek.  Warp speed, give me all she gots, Scotty.

Music:  Here was a couple thoughts of three songs I like to listen too, that motivate me.  I heard the Mighty Quinn on the radio.  Here it is on You tube:
"You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn"

Then I thought man I always loved AC DC - TNT.  But Thunderstruck always got me moving:

I have an infinity for Italian restaurant Music, being that I am Italian and my Grandparents owned an Italian restaurant.
Here is a favorite of the kids and I, (Tamara thinks I am crazy, Dinah hasn't let me know yet):
"When the moon hits your eyes like a big Pizza pie, That's Amore." Hey, Lady!!!

1 comment:

catmarlson said...

So many questions!
You must be alright with the fact you don't have answers. (other than the Dog Doo)
Otherwise, I'd imagine you'd have bought an iPod to run with a long time ago. :-)