Thursday, October 15, 2009

P90X "Superstar"

So Jerry and I have started to use P90X. He's further into it than me. Again I will blame my lack of commitment on football. The other evening it was YogaX night. I must say it was one of the most entertaining evenings. I never realized how inflexible Jerry was until we started this. Moves that I do with ease are virtually impossible for him. We laughed every time the instructor said "Downward facing dog" in his monotone somewhat "stoner" voice. It became all that more entertaining when in "DFD position" our dog decided to rigorously lick Jerry's head. After multiple scoldings Dudley finally took refuge ON Jerry's yoga mat (aka - the towel).

So here are my current observations of YogaX

1. The whole time I was doing the workout I was thinking...I wish I had Tiffany here to help me. I am sure I am not doing this properly (no clearing your mind when thinking the whole time....rrrr)
2. Additionally, It's impossible to clear your mind of all worries when your dog is licking and/or nibbling on you during the workout
3. It's even more disgusting when your cat (who typically shows very little interest in you) decides to lick your hands while in a yoga pose...forget about clearing your mind!!!
4. HOWEVER--the most disgusting thing....MEN who fart while doing yoga!! I am sure you can guess who I am referring to.

Jerry did Leg/Chest workout last night (P90X - he's loving it!). I intended on joining in but had an unexpected trip to the emergency room. Jordan separated his shoulder in the football game last night. We are heading to an orthopedic surgeon this afternoon. Hopefully we will hear Rest/Ice and nothing more.


GC said...

Yikes...I hope everything is okay with Jordan's shoulder. Keep me posted.

Yes, dogs can be a distraction during yoga. I figure they are thinking that since we are on their level (on the floor) they need to check things out. Tiffany's dogs do the same thing....not that I ever provoke them! :-)

CSquared said...

Did He laugh after farting? Because I am sure that makes it better.

Hope Jordon is OK. My nephew Cole has had terrible Shoulder issues with football, of course the leg took him out this year.

Mjay said...

Of course he laughed after farting...this is Jerry we're talking about.

I was actually sitting with your family during last night's game. Cole hobbled his way up to sit with us. He's a great kid.

Jordan has been put on steroids with reassessment scheduled for next week. He may actually play in the last game but will miss next weeks game (or so he thinks...we'll see)