Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rapids Advice Requested (CRAIG!!!)

Ok Craig (or anyone else)..we would like some advice on the best way to approach the rapids behind the refinery.....I am posting here because well...we can't call. You ask yourself WHY? Well Jerry had your cell phone BUT it ended up waterlogged after an attempt to conquer the ferocious rapids failed. We ask not for Project X but for the safety of KB2.

Sooooo--what say you oh great one?

**Straight through them
**Waves on the left side of boat
**Waves on the right side of boat
**A few hail Marys

Inquiring minds want to know.......


catmarlson said...

I'm curious what Craig will say, so I'm not going to chime in just yet. The advice I gave Jerry was from people who do the canoe races.

I will say that I think the river volume is quite a bit higher now than any of the previous 3 years. I wonder if they will adjust the flow for the race? Or if we just take what we get.

Mjay said...

I hope they adjust the flow....I'm just sayin....

Again...I navigating it dry with my mean skills

Mjay said...

I mean I "Navigated with my mean skills" (bragging doesn't serve me well at all!!!)


CSquared said...

Hail Mary is always good.

Keep the Boat Straight, Down River, do not get side ways.

Steer before the rapid, paddle in the rapid, do not try to make hard steers in the middle of a rapid.

Orientation of the boat is the main concern. Where the rapid has a slight left hand turn. So you never want the rear of the boat to be closer to the right shore than the front of the boat. Straight or centered is best, but the rear closer to the left shore is way better than the other way.

I am not sure about location of the boat compared to the wave. I have gone through that rapid multiple different ways (Just so you know, I have never been over in a canoe, ever, anywhere).

I wish I could draw you a picture, but let me know if you don't understand.

Mjay said...

ok--I will pass your directions to Project X team members.

KB2 is heading out to practice the rapid on Friday along with "white water kayak coach" (aka - Michelle's big bro Todd).

catmarlson said...

Alright here is how I understand that set of rapids.
The path of the water is it is moving left then pushes out to the right. So it is C shaped.
The biggest waves are in the deepest part of the channel. The waves, which are taller than the front of the canoe will go over the front of the canoe, even if traveling with the flow.
The water wants to push you to the left. Which is why you don't start on the right, it will likely just push you into the waves in the center.
So you stay to the left as shallow as you can manage because it's there that the waves can't be as tall.
I'm guessing because of the higher river flow right now, that even the shallow section is deeper, thus taller waves than normal.

That's how I understand it. Can't say that it's right 100% of the time.

It's definitely the most challenging part of the trip. Remember that there will be safety kayaks parked there on race day. Just in case.

CSquared said...

I thought about it and I would agree with Matt. I believe Shawn did the opposite of what Matt said in 2008 and they took the boat over.

Whatever your decision, point the boat straigt down river or with the current.

Steer before the rapid, and power through the rapid as quickly as possible.