Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Last week my blog post about the 5K was tweeted by NYRR.

You would think that would inspire met to write more insightful posts. Instead you get the following bunch of random stuff that I’ve been meaning to work into a post but I haven’t had the time.


Diet Stuff:

We all read all sorts of things regarding what we should or shouldn’t eat. All too often it’s backed up by some pretty flimsy research. So when I come across something that is from a reliable source or is written without too many assumptions that leave you wondering, I make note of them. Here are a few things I’ve come across lately. Plenty of other good stuff on these sites as well.

Soy products and breast cancer.

Gluten Free?

Diet vs Changing your eating habits forever

I suppose I should own up to the fact that I completely stalled on the diet. I’m not sure what happened exactly. Just got into a funk about a week ago. Fortunately the funk seems to be fading and I’m falling back into line.

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