Thursday, December 30, 2010

Non-tri end of year checklist

It seems everyone else is doing a year in review thing right now. I’m not sure I had a race in 2010 that I need to review. They were fun, but nothing needs to be added to what has already been said. So instead I’m going to go a different route with this post. Here are a few things I’ve been working on to finish out the year.

If you have a stock portfolio, it’s time to rebalance. If you have losers in the portfolio, decide if you would buy the stock at it’s current price. If the answer is no then you really should sell it at a loss. Even if you would buy it at it’s current price, you should consider selling it for the loss and moving it to a similar investment. Or waiting the 30 days (or however long it is you have to not own it) then buy it back. This is to help with taxes. It also helps people who can’t bring themselves to admit they bought a stock at the wrong time, sell out of a bad position.

The Stock Market has a regular day Friday. I thought they might close at 2 but it’s a full session.

Subscriptions: Make a list of all your monthly bills/subscriptions. Are all the subscriptions worth the money being spent on them? Where can you cut back? I know I have some cleaning up to do here.

Passwords: I’m going to guess that many of you have the same username and password for 50% or more of your logins. This is a really bad idea you need to make some changes. It’s insane how many usernames and passwords we need to keep track of now but it’s really important that you create really good passwords for the important sites. Banking, Investing, Credit Cards… Unfortunately different sites allow different numbers of characters and which characters are allowed which can make it tough sometimes to make a strong password. Get creative tho’ and make something that passes the test. Check out your passwords here to see just how good they are. . If you are struggling on how to be creative with your password, here is a push in the right direction.

I think I had some other end of year suggestions but I guess they will have to wait for another post. Hopefully they aren't that time sensitive.

1 comment:

Regina said...

If I have a stock portfolio? Bwa ha ha ha ha!!! I think I can stop there.

thanks for the password thing though. I have two and the were 40% and 62% effective. I have found one that is 100% that I should be able to remember.

I hate reviewing races.