Thursday, December 23, 2010

Kona NBC, My favorite part.

I watched the NBC coverage of the Ironman Championships at Kona the other day. From a production standpoint, I was left feeling like I wanted to be given access to all the footage so that I could try to edit something together that would be so much better. Even if I found that I couldn’t do it, watching all that great cinematography would be worth it.

The one thing everyone seems to agree upon is that one of the best parts of the show was about Lew Hollander, the 80 year old finisher. There was one statement he made that I kept thinking about this week. I couldn’t remember exactly how he said it so I went to his website.

There he says it a bit differently. “We all get a free ride to the age of around 40”. I think on the show he added, if you want to get to 100 you need to pay attention when you are 40.

I probably heard that louder than others because I’m 40 but when I looked at his website he gave his reasons for why he thinks 40 is the end of the free ride.

He’s a motivational speaker, so of course he’s going to say things in a way that have a bit of edge to them, even if they are true. One of his thoughts to help motivate you to stay in shape, "There are no fat old people so watch your calorie intake.”

Anyhow, I found him to be interesting. There is one thing I would add to his website to make it better. I think somewhere it should say, “It’s never too late, but it gets harder to start with every passing day. Seize the Day!”

(2nd post in less than 24 hours, the schedule must be easing up.)

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