Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Out of Sync.

I had planned my workouts last week in such a way that I could have stayed on track if I ran a couple times and did some easy weight training while I was in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I woke up Friday Morning with some messed up sinuses and I spent the next 2 days with a box of Kleenex at my side. I’m still not recovered from it and it’s now Wednesday. So I haven’t run in over a week, which is frustrating. I suppose to look at the bright side, I did swim twice while back in PA and I was really pleased with my balance and form.

We got back to NJ Tuesday night. I was expecting a really tough evening of shoveling snow but was surprised to see that Somerville didn’t have nearly the insane amounts that NYC had. It was still a chore digging out the driveway especially near the road where we get plowed in but because I was expecting so much worse I wasn’t really bothered by the task.

This morning I woke up early to go to the pool. I got there a bit later than I had planned but I was still going to be able to finish my workout easily. I hop out of the car go to grab my swim bag out of the back seat…. Only to realize I left my swim bag beside the door at home. I practically had to step over it to leave the house and yet managed not to pick it up. So much for my swim workout this morning… I had to head back home to get a shower and go to work. So much for getting back on track.

Waiting for my train, I spoke to someone that lives in Whitehouse Station, it’s a little further west than Somerville. They didn’t get much snow at all. He said he ended up driving into the city yesterday. He wished he hadn’t. The closer to NYC you got the more snow there was and even after nearly a day Interstate 78 which is 4 lanes wide only had one lane open for about a 10 mile stretch. He figures he was in that mess for almost two hours. I’m glad we waited the extra day before driving back to NJ. It was a very easy and safe trip for us on Tuesday.

Speaking of being safe, I should mention that Genine and I are somewhat lucky to be here. On our way home to PA on Christmas Eve our drive home was about 336 miles. Well, at about mile 330 just as we were driving out of Sheffield, (in front of the billboard at the High School). The car driving towards us crosses into our lane at 55 miles an hour. I hit the brakes and start heading for whatever room I have off the side of the road. There wasn’t much and even if I dump into the side, if she doesn’t change course she’s still going to hit me basically head on. I’m staring right at her trying to get a read as to what I need to do. I see her look up from her lap and she corrects back into her lane with a very abrupt move when she was probably within 20 yards of me. I’m guessing at 55 miles and hour I had less than 2 seconds left before there was going to be be a very serious accident. My heart rate was through the roof. I was scared and very angry. I can’t help but think that she was texting or doing something with her cell phone and my life nearly took a very bad turn because of it. I could go on a very long rant about cell phone use without a good hands free system, lack of recognition as to when it is even safe to be talking on the phone while driving and as for texting?!! I’ll spare you the rant. I’ll just ask that you take a hard look at your own use and consider letting the voicemail pick up the call for a change. That driver was distracted for less than 5 seconds and if I didn't leave the roadway, I hate to think of what would have happened.

I promise to get back to the fun stuff soon.

1 comment:

Mjay said...

I have blue tooth now thank goodness BUT even that is distracting at times.

So glad you had your wits about you and reacted in time!