Thursday, June 23, 2011

Try as I might…

The other day I was very close to posting a few things but I didn’t want to jinx myself.

Those things were:

The tendonitis in my left elbow seems to be gone after 5 months.

My tight right hamstring seems to have given up it’s fight. (started in April I think)

Because of the hamstring, I think my right foot might finally be tracking properly.

Fantastic! Really I was psyched because my 8 weeks of intense training had arrived.

I mentioned my core workouts and how cautious I have been in choosing my exercises to avoid injury. So far so good there, I’ve also been very careful with my weight lifting. Sadly, still not enough. Instead of pullups, I’ve been doing negatives. (simply lowering myself from the pullup bar). Wednesday night, that was the first thing on my list. As soon as I lifted my feet from the ground, my right shoulder tweaked. Seriously?!!? You’ve got to be kidding. So I bailed on the negatives. Only to find out I couldn’t do a number of the other exercises now either. (not happy).

Then we went to the pool. I knew I wasn’t likely I was going to be able to do much but I had to find out. Sure enough, swimming was not going to happen either.

Went home and soaked it in icy/hot for the night. It didn’t help. All day today if I move my arm a certain way it’s painful. I’ve got a chiropractor appointment on Saturday morning. Maybe he can adjust it and get it to heal up a bit quicker.

I guess if it’s going to happen, now is as good of a time as any. I just hope this problem doesn’t stick around as long as that list up above did.

If this was a twitter post I'd add something like this right? #madeofglass

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