Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Goals - Next Six Months

I played with the spreadsheet for training. Cleaned up items, added some highlights and seperated the days a little nicer. Also made the font smaller and adjusted columns/rows to help fit width to one screen. Let me know if you don't like, I can change.

My running is pitiful. Need to pick it up. I want to run a 5K March 24. A nice flat one on a rails to trails. I hope to run around 25 minutes. Won't get there if I don't get the miles in before hand.

I hope to do a sprint triathlon at the Rocky Gap State Park in Maryland Mid June (Shawn note this only about two hours from you). This is near Cumberland, MD. I will probably have to get a wet suit before then, but could suffer through the cold water. The tri is slated for June 9, but I haven't seen a way to enter yet. 500 Yard swim (I think), 8 mile bike, and 5k (3.1 mile) run. Compared to the previous race I did this a good starting race, my time should be a little quicker in this Rocky Gap tri, then the one I did in Morgantown, WV. A little heavy on the swim and a little light on the bike. I wouldn't mind it being the other way around.

I also have a 5k race in the hometown (Fairview) on the 4th of July. Fun little race. Free to sign up and the first 50 people get a t-shirt. Hope to run under 24 minutes (which would be a new best).

Just so you know if you start racing at all you will get the T-shirts. I also have volunteered for races, to help with traffic control and such. You also get a T-shirt. I think I have got 8 new shirts in the last two years. I can see where this could get out of control.


catmarlson said...

Oh man I didn't even think about all the cool T-Shirts! That's a serious motivator! Ha!

I like what you did with the spreadsheet. Is there any way to take the row 1 stuff and have that appear on the "Date Line" everytime? Makes it easier to see the categories.

I also am thinking I'd like to do some sort of race sooner than later. The main reason for this is just to have done one and get that newbie thing out of the way.

McA said...

I actually thought about the shirts yesterday at the gym as I was talking to a friend of mine who was wearing a shirt from a race in which he was a supporter. It was a nice shirt. Anyway, this same guy is now into running. This past week he ran a full marathon with his girlfriend. He didn't have the best time but he finished and he wasn't last. Not bad for a guy who, by his own admission, was an overweight non-runner at this time last year.

I have also found as I talk to friends and, in some cases, strangers, there are quite a few events around my area that I'm looking into. There are some short races and some triathalon events, but I'm going to start small. There is also a tri group that trains together that I'm going to find out more about. As soon as it warms up. Right now it's about 0. Without the wind. Anyway, thanks to everyone for the motivation.