Monday, March 28, 2011

NYRR 15K Colon Cancer Challenge / Lazy Sunday

Results Page

I didn’t write anything about running this race this weekend because I had planned it to be a training run. Meaning 146 max HR. So it just wasn’t going to be anything worth mentioning. Also I wasn’t sure I was going until late Thursday.

The race was an 11:15 start, much later than normal. We knew parking was going to be an issue so I had printed some coupons for parking garages (Side story to this)*. We had time to cruise for street parking but we were having no luck. So we headed for the garage, half a block from the garage someone pulled out. Nice!

It’s a cool morning for late March, I think it was low 40’s with just a bit of wind. We had time for a short warmup with some striders. I was feeling good. Now I had to make a decision. HR Training run, Max 146. Jog/run/cooldown, 5K each. Or pace it?

What pace tho? I haven’t run 15K since early December. My only speed run was the 5K a few weeks ago. I decide to go for an 8 minute mile and see what happens.

I’m in the 2nd corral and it’s not too crowded, so when the gun goes off I go with the flow.

1st mile: I’m not dodging around trying to find space. Everything is feeling good. I click my watch at the first mile. 7:49. Alright, that works, but I notice that my watch calibration is off and had me at an 8:10. So my instantaneous pace information was going to be worthless. Not a big deal. I do need to fix that soon tho'.

2nd mile: well there were 2 of them because there was the 4 miler earlier. So initially my split was a 6:50 or something like that, which I knew was wrong. Then shortly after was our mile 2 mark and I was in at 7:20 (down hill help). Still I’m sure that’s faster than I should go for 9 miles so I dial back a bit.

3rd mile. 8:26 Up Hill and a bit of an overcorrection on my dialing it back.

4th mile: I’m rather familiar with the course but I make a point of watching for a “GO” point as this will be the end of the run. There is one short incline then a good descent into the finish. Mile 4 was a 7:36, back on track.

5th mile: So my watch isn’t giving me my pace accurately and I know that I’ll be ascending over the next few miles. I don’t want a repeat of mile 3. So I start to pick out people to reel in. I’ll gauge my effort by my breathing pattern, I don’t want to get going too fast. I just don’t want to fall off. 7:49 for mile 5.

6th mile: Eat my 2nd GU. Heading back into the starting area. I’ve passed a couple people and have a girl with a large red headband as my next target. 7:50 for mile 6

7th mile: I have not gained a single step on this girl with the red headband. I run down hill better than she does, she runs uphill better than I do. 7:39 for mile 7.

8th mile: 2 years ago I ran this race hard and I cramped up at about this time. Funny how that was on my mind, I didn’t stop for water anywhere I shouldn’t need it but I was thinking about it. This girl with the red headband is still leading the way. I’ve got to keep close, I should be able to make the pass on the downhill next mile. 7:51 for mile 8.

9th mile: Really feeling good, it’s been a very comfortable run. I spot my “GO” mark and I turn it up. I’m past the red headband (thanks for the pace!) and am now just focused on holding this quicker tempo. Probably less than a mile to the finish and a nice downhill to speed the way. 7:15 for mile 9.

.3 to the finish: Within this stretch, there are quite a few coaches walking along the side of the race here. One shouts, “Choose your victim and GO!” She wasn’t talking to me but I wasn’t going to be anyone’s victim, so I open it up the rest of the way. (why wasn’t I running all out already?) To add to the sprint push, they call my name over the loudspeakers as I’m in the finish chute. The last bit I ran in 2:17 or a 7:07 pace.

I finished in 1:11:55 a 7:44 min/mile average. Not a PR but I wasn’t expecting one.

Once again, I am more than a little surprised that I had this good of a race in me. I don’t think I’ve run over 10K since early December. (My last 15K “race”.)

2 years ago I raced this 15k and finished in 1:09:01, I had done a ton of running that winter. That was a great race for me and I had a very good tri season. The difference this year is I feel like I haven’t been training hard yet. I’m very interested to see how I respond to the build/speed training.

I meet up with Todd, he’s not as happy with his run. He said it started well but then felt like the brake was dragging on the wheel and he just lost power throughout the entire run. (he still beat me by just over a minute). Then he says, “I probably shouldn’t have run 8 miles yesterday… Or stayed out until 2AM with friends… Yep, that’s a terrible race alright..

So we head back to the car. We get within’ half a block and I say, “I did not notice that on the way TO the park.” As I point to the store on the corner. He looks and has no idea what the place is. But I know that Genine would be disappointed if I was this close to the place and didn’t buy something for her.

Ah yes! Magnolia Bakery, thus the Lazy Sunday in the title. If you are unfamiliar with this reference. You need to go to this link and watch.

*Printer side story:

My home printer stopped working a couple weeks ago. I finally decided I should try to fix it so I could print out these parking coupons. The network card was the bad card. $35 on ebay but it that would take a few days. Search the forums for any additional help. This is what I find. "remove plastic face plate, preheat oven at 350 degrees. Place the card in the oven in such a way that it is suspended and flat. (I used toothpicks, hoped they wouldn't burn at 350) 8 minutes in the oven, 30 minute cool down and install it back into the printer. It worked. Ha!


Regina said...

Great run! Dud you see John there? I see he went for shake shack and you headed to Magnolia! Nice run, btw. Everyone is really getting fast.

I need to know more about this printer thing. What model printer?

catmarlson said...

Thx. This was a no suffer run. So much more enjoyable than the 5K a few weeks ago. (much better weather too).

I didn't see Jon there. I planned on emailing him once I knew I was definitely going. Then just completely forgot.
We were in the same corral and I even got there early. At least 10 minutes waiting in the corral. I barely looked around. I just zoned out.
Oddly enough I remembered he was there around mile 4 when I spotted someone running in track pants. Funny right? But I knew he'd be way ahead of me at that point.

At first glance, I thought you wrote Everyone is really getting fat.

The printer issue was a HP 610N networking card.