Thursday, July 10, 2008

Time flies....

It's incredible how fast weeks/months go by when you are busy. I'm not complaining. We are having a great summer.
As we are getting ready for our NH vacation, I'm hoping for some fantastic weather. I need to be in that lake every day! We did some IM during Masters Swimming last night. I'm still without a clue on the Butterfly. I need to spend some time working on timing that kick. I can't say what the other lanes looked like, but the 3 of us in my lane were making a mess of it. So Butterfly practice is on the to do list. I'd like to think I might come back with a clue.
Also on the list: Climbing Cardigan, Biking as much as possible, sticking to the running schedule as best I can. Then of course there is mowing the fields, Painting the house... Oh! Relaxing, making mountain pies and Smores, maybe buy some port and cheddar (Cabot of course).
Living the good life for a week.
Here is hoping time slows down for the week we are there!

1 comment:

CSquared said...

Hope you have a great week f. May the beers be cold, the conversation be great, and the mosquitoes be dormant. There has to be some type of training advantage to having all the blood sucked out by the little pests while you are up there. Then coming back to New Jersey and be at full fluid level. Man those suckers are the size of Humming Birds.